Report: The Skills Revolution – Digitisation and Why Skills and Talent Matter

In the face of digitisation, artificial intelligence and virtual reality, all kinds of predictions have been made about what the future of work looks like. Will there be more jobs; different jobs; or fewer jobs? At this point in time, no one can be sure. Nevertheless, one thing is certain. We’re at the beginning of a Skills Revolution, where helping individuals to upskill and align with changing skill requirements will be the defining challenge of our time.

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Event: The Future of Workforce Analytics

To make more informed strategic workforce decisions and manage their total workforce in a more proactive manner, companies need improved, multi-dimensional workforce analytics. Forward-looking companies don’t want to just reflect on what’s happened in their workforce in the past. Instead, they seek analytics that allow them to predict potential and manage their entire workforce in a much more holistic manner.

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Report: Find the Missing Workforce – Workforce Visibility

Employers of all sizes take for granted that they have a fairly accurate understanding of the number of people who work for them. While exact figures are elusive due to normal workforce fluctuations on any given day, employers expect to have a close approximation. In reality, companies can be off by thousands – particularly when considering contingent workforces.

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